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Project 14 Newsletter - Dec 2020

Writer's picture: Loren BurchLoren Burch

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

As 2020 comes to an end, this is our final newsletter of the year. Most of the world and particularly the United States has struggled with the onslaught of the Covid pandemic. None of this caught God by surprise. We must all live by faith and not by fear. After all, the Scriptures command, “Fear not….” 365 times, once for each day of the year. God is the God of order, not chaos. Everything He does is intentional. May we live intentionally to serve Him.

We are so grateful to our faithful donors who pray and support Project 14 financially. The Covid pandemic and hurricanes that struck Nicaragua in November have hurt many of our church families. Food insecurity is a big issue for the people. Please consider an end of year financial gift to Project 14 so we can help provide food for these Nicaragua families as well as for the Bolivia Children's Homes.

Please donate through our website at or mail a check made out to Project 14 to our address on the website. We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We are planning Mission Trips for 2021 so if you are interested, please contact us.

Nicaragua was hit by two catastrophic storms during the month of November. Hurricane Eta (Cat 4) on 11/3/20 followed by Hurricane Iota (Cat 4) on 11/16/20 tracked identical paths with the most devastation in Northern Nicaragua and Honduras. To say this was of biblical proportions is an understatement. Never have two named major hurricanes formed in the Atlantic in November and travel the same path two weeks apart.

What was the impact on the Project 14 supported churches in Nicaragua?

Church Attendance and Salvations increased more than any other month in 2020!

Average November Attendance (4 Sundays) was 927 with 154 Salvations. November 30 (5th Sunday) with 1,537 in Attendance and 62 Salvations (Christmas and special family celebration day).

In the last couple of months we have seen a tremendous growth in all of our Churches and dozens give there lives to Christ each week. Please keep these pastors and their people in your prayers! There is now a lot of work to do following up with all the new visitors and people who gave there lives to Christ.

Global Bible University Graduation - November 20, 2020

Global Bible University is proud to present the third graduation class – Michael Castillo, David Melara, Alan Guiterrez, Richard Ramos (P14 Director), Rigoberto Montoya Malcolm Perez, & Noe Blandon.

See a short video presentation from the graduation below -

View the damage from Hurricanes Eta & Iota in the pictures & videos below -

For five years, a Mission Team from Faith Baptist Church in Knightdale, NC has provided food, gifts and a Christmas Party as an outreach ministry for P14 churches. This year, because of the Covid pandemic, money was sent directly to the churches to provide Christmas gifts for the children and food for every family.

P14 is pleased to announce the launch of our 15th church in Nicaragua. Horeb Baptist Church, pastored by Josiel Hernandez is located in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Matagalpa near the city dump. Pastor Josiel (26) accepted Christ at age 19. Two years ago he graduated from the Bible Institute in Managua. He recently completed his first year at GBU. This past Sunday 100 people were in attendance. Praise the Lord for raising up this young man to lead this new church.

When a girl in Bolivia becomes 15 years old, a major celebration occurs! Their families have a quinceanera-a feast with very fancy dresses, music, delicious food and gifts. Family and friends proclaim this rite of passage with great generosity and thanksgiving. On December 8th, five of our precious girls celebrated their quinceanera-Lizeth, Clotilde, Arabel, Carlita and Gerarda - worshipped God and enjoyed their lovely evening! Project 14 helped provide and joined by Zoom to rejoice and praise the Lord for their lives!!

Please view the short video below -

On December 9th, three of our girls graduated from high school- Viviana, Reina and Eficia! Congratulations!!! Viviana plans to attend P14 Global Bible University in January, and Reina and Eficia will be transitioning in Bolivia. P14 was able to join the celebration by Zoom and Ken McCoy shared God’s Word with the graduates and their friends. Praise God for what He is doing in their lives!

Christmas in Bolivia - P14 helped provide Christmas gifts for the the Bolivia Children's Homes, as we have for the last 4 years! What a joy to share God’s greatest gift with all of them!

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