Dear Friends –
Since 2016, Project 14 Global Missions has supported three Children’s Homes in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for many years. Our Christ honoring staff are and have been loving, feeding and protecting about 100 precious children six years and older, until this month.
In the past few weeks, at the desperate request of Social Services, we received a 20-day old baby girl, her two-and-a-half-year-old brother, two-month-old twins (boy and girl), 5-, 4- and 1-year old boys. Their parents are unable to care for them due to homelessness, criminal activity and disability.
Please pray -
1. For loving, adoptive families.
2. Funds for extra workers, school supplies, blankets and uniforms ($7,500)
Our homes need added resources to be able to care for these young children. This is on top of the normal recurring monthly expenses to care for about 100 children.
We all have families to provide for that God has given us. Just imagine if you were responsible for 100 displaced children.
In Isaiah 1:17, God says “Learn to do right, seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause for the fatherless. Plead the case of the widow.”
In James 1:27, “we are told “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
When you give to Project 14, designate your gift for the Children’s Homes in Bolivia. Every dollar goes directly to care for these children. Please join us today by contributing online at Click on the Give button at the top right.
Please help us help them. May God bless every gift.
When you visit our website, you can also purchase P14 Coffee at or directly at Proceeds go directly to educate students at Global Bible University (GBU) in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.