Who We Are
Our Mission
Is to Reach the World For Jesus Christ Through
- Building & Supporting Bible Colleges
- Training National Pastors
- Planting Churches
- Supporting & Loving Orphans
God has led us to Nicaragua, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, and St. Vincent to proclaim redemption through Jesus Christ. Please join us!

Our Name
Project 14 derived its name from Romans 10:14 which says, "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through building bible colleges, planting churches, training national pastors, and supporting and loving orphans .
Mission Initiative
We are partnering with like-minded Christians to evangelize, equip, and encourage nationals in Nicaragua, Bolivia, Puerto Rico and St. Vincent. Project 14 strives to be a place where the Word of God can be heard, the love of God can be felt, and the name of God can be exalted.
The Local Church
Project 14 desires that every believer be an involved, integral part of their local church. We support the advancement of the church of Jesus Christ worldwide and will provide sustained assistance to establish local churches.
Project 14 has established a model strategy through Bible college training, supporting national pastors and planting churches in Nicaragua that can be duplicated anywhere. We are committed to growing local and regional partnerships with pastors and churches in other parts of the world.
Global Bible University
GBU provides a quality, affordable education, and experiences for those pursuing Christian character, leadership or pastoring in a local church. By establishing premier college campuses, national pastors can take advantage of opportunities to strengthen their church, build character in their young people, and provide opportunities for spiritual growth.
Equipping and Encouraging
People need ministry tools to move from a casual Christian observer to an impactful Christian leader. Project 14 provides support to local churches to advance the Gospel in their culture. Project 14 strives to train students to be servant leaders to spread the Gospel through biblically-based, balanced ministry models.
Supporting and Adopting
Project 14 provides opportunities for already established mission-minded churches to support and adopt a community, a pastor, or an international church plant. With proper training, tools, and structure, national leadership is far better equipped to help evangelize their people and establish self-supporting ministries.
The world is starving physically and spiritually. Project 14 strategically looks for opportunities to partner with business people and mission-minded churches to advance the Gospel by meeting these needs in Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Bolivia and St. Vincent. Jesus Christ met people's physical needs while revealing His greater purpose for their lives. We should meet physical needs and share the hope we have in the Gospel to a hungry world.
Bolivian Children's Homes
Project 14 partners with Ministerios Nacer to provide much needed physical and emotional support while sharing the love of Jesus Christ in the lives of abandoned children.
Puerto Rico & St. Vincent
Bible College repairs/upgrades with dormitory additions from hurricane damage on both islands are ongoing projects.
Hosting Trips
Come join us on a mission trip to Nicaragua, Bolivia, Puerto Rico and St. Vincent with a church group, family or as an individual. This gives you an opportunity to exercise your spiritual gifts in different cultures. Every church should sponsor an annual mission trip to encourage mission intensity in their people, to open the eyes of church leadership to vast needs worldwide, to establish a heart for missions, and to accomplish tangible projects on the field.
Strategic Approaches
Project 14 effectively invests limited resources in spite of challenging mission and ministry issues. Christian leaders should courageously address issues that divide and hinder evangelistic and church planting efforts. Project 14 wants to glorify Jesus Chris by establishing churches with mission strategies that are more organized and unified for worldwide missions.
Project 14 Global Missions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization partnering with like-minded people to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What We Believe
The Bible is verbally inspired by God in its original writings. It is truth without any mixture of error and is the sole rule of faith and practice for believers.
God the Father is perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, and measureless in power. He saves us from sin and all that call upon Him through Jesus Christ will be saved.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin, sinless in life, made atonement for the sins of the world by His death and resurrection.
All men are sinners, but that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life;” John 3:16
Those who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior will have eternal life.
A local church is a group of believers in Jesus Christ.
Local churches are committed to the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and that God has laid upon these churches the task of proclaiming to a lost world the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior.
Every human being is responsible to God alone in all matters of faith.
Each church is independent and autonomous.
Financial Accountability
Project 14 Global Missions voluntarily submits to an annual legal audit to ensure that the ministry is complying with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
Project 14 Global Missions requires all board members and employees to abide by a conflict of interest policy that encourages high standards of ethics and integrity.
Project 14 Global Missions strives to ensure that all fundraising efforts clearly portray the purpose of the funds to be raised and that all contributions received are used for those specific purposes.
Project 14 Global Missions protects the privacy of our donors.