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Project 14 Newsletter - March 2021

Project 14 supporters -

This is going to be a different newsletter than usual. This is a NEEDS based newsletter. Our February Newsletter went out late because of color printing delays. We were going to skip a newsletter for a month…and then life happened. We have some immediate, time sensitive and especially unbudgeted needs that have just come up. Please read through to the end of the newsletter.

We will update these situations on our website.

This is God’s ministry, and we are totally dependent on the generosity of God’s people that are moved by the Holy Spirit to pray and support financially. As you can imagine, it takes considerable resources to fully support a four-year Bible College in Nicaragua, 16 Churches in Nicaragua, and 100 children in three different children’s homes in Bolivia. We also help support a Bible college in Puerto Rico and St. Vincent (which is where a natural disaster has just created a crisis – read further down).

Missing 12-Year-Old Girl from the Bolivian Children’s Home

Valeria has been missing since 04/04/21. Child trafficking is prevalent in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The police and Social Services are looking, a private investigator has been hired as well as a lawyer. All of this takes resources which our ministry does not provide for in the budget.

First, and most importantly, pray that Valeria is found and is safe. Remember the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Matt. 18:12-14. We have about 100 children in the Bolivian Children’s Homes, and one is lost. This one must be found. Have any of you every lost a child or known anyone that has had a child run away? It is one of the scariest situations that can happen in the life of a parent. All of us who support Project 14 are the parents. And we take very seriously the safety and welfare of each and every child.

Secondly, we are trusting God by placing our faith in His protection of Valeria and His provision. Everyone knows that the longer these situations go, the worse the potential outcome. Pray, Pray, Pray. We also ask that you give to meet the cost of the lawyer and private investigator by giving online at Go to the Give tab on the top right. Please designate your gift – Missing Bolivia Child in the Designation/Comments section of the Contact Form.

St. Vincent – Volcano Eruption -

The La Soufriere Volcano erupted on 4/9/21. Project 14 helps support the Baptist Bible College of the Caribbean (BBCC) on the main island, St. Vincent, which is part of the island group called St. Vincent and the Grenadines near Barbados in the Southern Caribbean. The BBCC is on the south side of the island which is approximately 7 miles wide and 15 miles long. The volcano is located on the north side. The population of St. Vincent is approximately 100,000 with 20,000-30,000 people being evacuated either off the island by boat, plane or by one single jam-packed road south away from the volcano.

So far approximately 50 people have been evacuated to the Bible College which has room to house even more people. However, the Bible College has not recovered from a series of hurricanes over the last 3-4 years. Many of the dorms do not have beds. The evacuees will have to sleep on the floor. There are no resources to meet these needs.

We have no idea what the immediate or near future resource requirements are going to be. To meet the first wave of needs, our first target campaign is $20,000. Unfortunately, Project 14 cannot meet this $20,000 need alone. This need is today, right now. Your gifts will help feed, provide water and provide living arrangements for the growing group of evacuees steadily coming to the college. Please give online at Go to the Give tab on the top right. Please designate your gift – St. Vincent Volcano Fund in the Designation/Comments section of the Contact Form.

The greatest danger is superheated ash which is covering the entire island at least a couple of inches thick, falling volcanic debris and bombs and gas that cannot be outrun. The ash cloud is so dense that the island is dark even in the middle of the day. The FAA probably will not let planes fly to the island.

Adding to this crisis is the Covid pandemic which is ongoing and complicates evacuation enormously. Moving people to other islands for possibly weeks and months is extremely complicated. Other countries have their protocols for negative tests for Covid before admitting visitors whether short term or long term. There will be a huge humanitarian effort.

The eruptions could continue for days or weeks. The first eruption of this volcano is not necessarily the largest. The greatest danger is not from the flowing lava, but from fast-moving avalanches of searing hot gas and volcanic debris.

Other Ongoing Needs –

Robert Garcia’s daughter still needs $200/month for baby formula. Please designate Robert’s Daughter with your gift on the contact form. Hazzel Rojas, one of our new Global Bible University students in Nicaragua, needs $45/month to cover the multiple bus transportation costs every week for her to even attend the college. Please designate Hazzel’s Bus Fund with your gift on the Contact Form. We do not want a student to drop out because of lack of bus fare. Go to and use the Give tab on the top right of any page on the website.

Please pray and respond in the way God touches your heart!

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