Oscar Perez
Hebron Baptist Church
Pastor Oscar Perez No wife or children Church: Baptist Hebron Place: Jinotega Attendance: 12 to 14 faithful people Years in the Churches almost all my life Years Church have been established: 1 year and 5 months Pastor who supports: Jonathan Blankenship Church and Place: Laurel-Charlotte Baptist Church
When and how did you accept Christ? When did you accept the call of God?
I grew up in a Christian family, my dad is a pastor, but really being the son of a pastor did not make me safe, until one day I realized that I needed Jesus in my Heart, I was only 11 years old when I asked Jesus to come be the owner of my life and give my life to God, then baptize me and even today I continue to serve in the work of the Lord. When I was 17 years old they spoke to me about the Bible University and it seemed to me something nice and something that I had always wanted to learn more and more about the Bible. In 2015 I decided to enter the GBU only for the purpose of learning a little more and not because of a genuine call from the Lord! While I was studying theology in the first year I was also carrying out another university career which I was developing on Saturdays! But then I started to become fond of myself and to engage more in Spiritual things and decided to abandon my other career by staying alone with the Theology career! In the first year of Theology I did not receive the Lord's call until the second year, God began to speak to me more and more through preaching that I needed to serve full time in his work and it was then in my second year that I became engaged with God to serve him as a Pastor where he would decide! In my third year, God called me to direct and start a new work in the Los Angeles neighborhood in Jinotega has been a great blessing and even today we continue to serve in that place as a pastor!
What are some of your greatest blessings in ministry?
One of my greatest blessings in the ministry is to see people being saved through the gospel we preach and much more in the neighborhood where we work where Catholicism has taken great advantage, but it is still a great joy to see when the Lord does the work in their lives and open their eyes and realize that they are living or living in an error and then they are reached by the Grace of the Lord! That causes great joy in my Heart and is a huge blessing! Also see the children being instructed in our Bible school on Sundays! They are the future and joy of our church! One of the greatest blessings is to see how God responds to each of our prayers in the ministry! It makes us feel that we are not alone but that God is on our side!
How did Project 14 help you and your Church?
Project 14 has been a great influence on our lives in our church! Both materially and Spiritually! They have been concerned for the welfare of our congregation! Especially when we started the work on the streets and we did not have a place to meet. They were of great blessing influence and help for the work of the Lord to be done. It is a great privilege to work hand in hand with project 14. We know that they are always with us and that they pray a lot for us and that is to be appreciated! We hope in the Lord to continue working with them for a long time if God allows it.
What are your most urgent needs at this time?
The most urgent need at this moment is to change ourselves and move to a better place or building where we worship the Lord and we are praying fervently for that! Also another of our needs is to be able to obtain Bibles for our Brothers of our congregation! We always dream and pray to have a place of our own where to call our house, the house of God, our church!
What is your vision for your church?
Our vision is to grow in numbers both children and adults and we are working for that! We are also planning a preaching conference in our church for the next several months! Another future vision is that when the Church is capable enough to sustain the work by itself, our visions are to have a prison ministry, to be able to go to the jails and preach the gospel to the prisoners we need and be a blessing to them! Also another future vision is to have in our church a children's dining room for street children who do not have to eat and in that way try to reach them for the Kingdom!
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