Estuar Aleman
Victory Baptist Church
Diriamba, Carazo, Nicaragua
Pr. Estuar Aleman 41 years old.
Wife: Elsa Cristina Gutiérrez Selva. 41 years old.
Helen Cristina Aleman Gutiérrez. 19 years old. Architecture 3rd year.
Elsy Leana Aleman Gutiérrez. 11 years old. I highschool.
Stacy Leana Aleman Gutiérrez. 5 Years. Level 3rdpreschool.
Keep serving the Lord
Keep teaching God’s Word
Keep serving in the church
Keep working for my girls they serve the Lord and they can study to be a profesional in this life.
To be with my family
To read
To serve others
My Ministry
Thanks God we have 8 years in the ministry serving as a pastor with my family in La Reforma, Around 45 minutes from Diriamba, Victory Baptist Church. All this time God show us his provision, his mercy and love, saved souls, healing people, changing live, restorating people, supporting his chuch. In addittion we have been helping other churches when those were without pastor.
Current Projects:
Share the góspel house by house
Discipleship thursday.
Teaching the Basic Bible doctrines sundays.
Souls for God
We are finishing to build restrooms in the church (the big tank to keep wáter is missing).
2019 we are planing to finish with 2 classroms for our Sunday schools clases.
Our piano is not good. We need to buy a new one.
There are some walls to be fixed. We want to finish those too.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for our church, growth and knolwedge about God’s Word, share the góspel in our community and more saved souls.
Pray for sister Sara Palacios, She has cancer.
Pray for Nicaragua
Pray for p14.
Pray for all the missionaries God sent around the world.
Pray for Faith Baptist Church in United States.
Pray for my family.
Pray for preachers of God’s word.
Future plans with p14:
We would like to start a new local church with p14, Global Missions, and seminaries for leaders, pastors and families.
God bless you!
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