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Project 14 Newsletter Sept/Oct 2021

To Our Project 14 supporterswe thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support of this ministry. God is continuing to bless His ministry through you in so many ways. You can further the Kingdom by giving online at

Introducing Pastor Daniel and Janet Berdine – We want to welcome and introduce our new Project 14 Director of Nicaragua Operations, Daniel Berdine and his family. Let’s start with their story.

Pastor and Mrs. Berdine trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior at a very young age and surrendered their lives to the Lord when they were teenagers. Though they lived in opposite sides of the world, they both met at Marietta Bible college in Marietta, OH. Pastor Berdine started pastoring in February 1995 in Racine, Ohio at Bethlehem Baptist Church.

They got married their senior year of Bible college and graduated in 1997. After serving at Racine for almost 3 years, God led the Berdines to be on staff at Marietta Bible College and Bible Center. After a year, God called them to Plain City, Ohio to pastor a new church plant, Pleasant Valley Baptist Chapel.

Eight years and three wonderful children later, God moved Pastor Daniel, Janet, Valerie, Nathaniel, and Nicholas to Greenville Baptist Temple in Greenville, Ohio in May of 2007. Greenville was the most memorable part of the Berdines’ life, seeing their children get older, the church growth, souls saved and discipled. However, it was not without its’ struggles.

In 2014, Pastor Daniel was diagnosed with cancer. During this time, the Berdines saw firsthand God’s miraculous power and healing. After 13 years of serving faithfully in the church, homeschooling and eventually enrolling their children in Bible college, and seeing God’s amazing Hand in their lives, God began to work in the Berdines’ hearts.

Missions has always been in the heart of their ministry. Through a series of open doors along with much prayer and fasting, God has answered the Berdines’ prayer to assure them of His calling and has given them an open door of faith to go to Nicaragua as missionaries. In His Providence, God made it possible for them to follow His calling.

We are so grateful that God has led Pastor Daniel and Janet to Project 14 where they will live in Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

Pastor Daniel Berdine and his wife Janet with their three children.

Thank You to Richard & Fatima Ramos

We are sad to announce that Richard Ramos, our current Project 14 Director of Nicaragua Operations and his family are leaving Nicaragua. These wonderful servants have given of themselves to Project 14 so faithfully for five years. We are going to miss them so much. Richard and his family will be relocating to the Orlando, FL area near his family. Their oldest son wants to pursue a medical degree in a university in the US which necessitates this transition. See their family picture on the last page.

Richard & Fatima Ramos with their children

Global Bible University Graduation -

Congratulations to Samuel Calero and Isaias Guardado for graduating with their 4-year bachelor’s degree in ministry in October. We are so proud of these young men and their achievements. We look forward to what God has in store for Samuel and Isaias. See their picture below.

The Global Bible University students take an end of year day trip to a waterfall.

House Need for Pastor Alejandro Blanco –

One of our Global Bible University alumni, Alejandro Blanco, started a church three years ago during his senior year. God has been faithful to grow His church through Alejandro. Now, he is getting married in December. His current house is very, very modest even by Nicaraguan standards. It’s not really a place that you would want to start out living as a newlywed. See the pictures below.

Project 14 is trying to raise $10,000 to build this couple a new home. Please consider giving online through We hope to build this home during January 2022. Build teams from 2-3 different churches will travel from the US to Nicaragua to build their home. The newlyweds will live with their parents temporarily until the house is finished.

Baptisms in Nicaragua -

The sixteen Project 14 sponsored churches in Nicaragua have averaged 25 salvations per week during September and October. This is a significant increase from the previous few months. Attendance has increased quite a bit, especially in the last few weeks. We thank the Lord for His blessings as He continues to work through these young pastors and their families. The laundry area at the Boy’s Home had a new floor installed. We thank God that no one was injured from the storms.

Bolivian Children’s Homes Update –

God promises to take care of His people. We are grateful for recent donations of large quantities of potatoes and other vegetables. This shows us God’s faithfulness in providing for the three Children’s Homes.

We ask for your continued prayers and support as we provide monthly funds for food, clothing, healthcare and educational and spiritual needs. The girls are still learning remotely but the boys are back in school. We love ministering to these precious children and pray you will join us as monthly partners. It is a tremendous undertaking to cloth, feed and house almost 100 children. Please help supporting these children by giving at and designate for Bolivia Children’s Homes.

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