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Project 14 Newsletter - January 2021

As of the end of January 2021, over 430,000 have died of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US. Yes, people are receiving the vaccines, but at a surprisingly slow rate. While we understand the inconveniences of Covid-19 in the US, countries like Nicaragua and Bolivia where P14 has major ministries, are devastated. Most people are day workers and have no money for food because the pandemic has reduced economic activity dramatically. Healthcare is nothing like we have in the US. If God has blessed you, please consider giving a portion of your resources to our ministries. For more information, please go to our website at

So, what is God up to? Is He still sovereign? Did the Covid-19 pandemic catch God by surprise? The answers are - We do not know, Yes and No. What we do know is that the Church should be the model in our community for hope. Our hope comes from a relationship with Jesus that sustains us in an unpredictable world.

Like Noah, we are cooped up in our homes, isolated, socially deprived, praying for a sign of hope, be it a dove, a job-offer, schools reopening, churches fully reopening or even a politician willing to tell the truth. Who do you trust? Prov. 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understand.”

On behalf of Project 14, we want to express our gratitude to our faithful donors, especially through such challenging times. God supplies needs through the Body of Christ. As always, you can donate through our website at or mail a check made out to Project 14 to our address on the website. We are planning mission trips for 2021. If you are interested, please contact us at

Calvary Baptist Bible College – Carolina, PR – Dorm Container Project Competed

In September 2017, Hurricane Maria (Cat 5) struck Puerto Rico. Hurricanes strike Puerto Rico often. However, Maria was the worst hurricane to ever hit any Caribbean Island. Many buildings at Calvary were damaged and had to be demolished. It was decided to build back the dorms using shipping containers which can be up-fitted to accommodate students that will survive future hurricanes. Project 14 has partnered with Calvary in their mission to educate and create national pastors and church leaders mostly in the Caribbean. Calvary just recently celebrated their 40th anniversary. There are now a total of 7 container buildings on campus.

The pictures below show the Mission Team from Faith Baptist Church in Knightdale, NC finishing up the dorms in January, 2021, bunk beds for students and a layout of two of the dorms.

Expansion plans are underway for more to accommodate a growing enrollment of students. We praise the Lord for the 29 different Christian men from 5 different states that over the course of 2020 gave their time, funds, and vacations, to complete the shipping container conversion to college dorms. Four shipping containers were converted into 8 dorm rooms that can sleep up to 32 individuals. Another container was converted into a shower/toilet facility with 4 each toilets, showers, and sinks. We are so very thankful for all those who donated and prayed for us. Thanks to the volunteers and the various donors who gave to provide these dorms.

A special thanks goes out to Dan King who headed up this entire project. Your faithfulness and commitment to P14 are appreciated and admired by many.

Nicaraguan Churches

God continues to bless as we look forward to the 16th Project 14 sponsored church starting soon.

Pastor Wilfredo celebrates with his congregation as the new building addition of Promised Land Baptist Church gets closer to completion. Walls are going up and God has provided for the roof as well very soon. Many thanks to Pastor Harold Blankenship and his church, Promised Land Baptist in Gastonia, NC as well as Pastor Neal Jackson and his church, Beulah Baptist Church in Bennett, NC for their support of this building project. To the others that have contributed as well, we do thank you.

Our annual Youth Camp is set to being in Diriamba for high school/college age kids on 1/28/21. Please pray for the youth participating in this camp.

Congratulations to Pastor Robert Garcia and his wife for the recent birth of their first child, Lea. Pastor Robert’s church is in San Ramon, Nicaragua.

Bolivian Children's Homes

Recently Bolivia has had significant rainfall and flooding. Our office at the Boy’s Home had some water damage. Please pray for the protection of our homes as they continue to battle the pandemic and the weather! We are so thankful for your prayers. Since the beginning of January, our girls and boys have been dividing into small groups to pray. They diligently pray for individuals in Project 14, donors and their families, the pandemic and their homes. Their prayers are precious! They are praying for schools in Bolivia to reopen, hopefully in February.

Bolivia Children’s Homes – Boys praying. Pastor Robert Garcia with his newborn daughter.

75 teenagers attending a Youth Camp in Diriamba, Nicaragua. It is such a blessing to see young people praying.

Global Bible University - Matagalpa, Nicaragua

School is out of session for now. GBU will resume in person classes February 15th. We are expecting a record enrollment of new students!

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